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Do you have questions about cremators or incinerators? We have helped customers determine their payback on an incinerator, helped with permit requirements, and more. Simply fill out the form below or give us a call at (800) 820-3391. We would love to hear from you!
Manufacturing is now located in Hutchinson, Minnesota.
373 Hwy MIN-7 East, Hutchinson, MN 55350

We are located on the North side of Hwy 7, 1.5 blocks west of Casey’s General Store or 1 block east of MediaCom.
Look for the 7 East Business Park.
We are located in the large white building in the back of a new small business park just off Hwy 7 in Hutchinson. We are still under construction, so please enter through the shipping door as shown, not through the glass door in the front.
GPS for Firelake Mfg or 373 Hwy 7 East will get you to the entrance of the 7 East Business Park in Hutchinson, MN 55350
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For equipment quotes, technical help, or service please contact your nearest distributor located on our Retail Distributors Page.