The Firelake A200, A400, A600, and A850 Series Incinerators are designed for poultry biosecurity applications. January 20, 2015 SEATTLE (Reuters) – A third outbreak of avian flu has been detected in Washington state, prompting agriculture officials on Tuesday to warn bird owners to keep their flocks away from migratory birds that have spread viruses from Oregon to British Columbia. There were confirmed infections of the highly pathogenic H5N2 strain of avian flu. “All bird owners, whether commercial producers or backyard enthusiasts, need to continue practicing good biosecurity, preventing contact between their birds and wild birds and reporting sick birds or unusual bird deaths.” – USDA. Allowing contaminated animals to be buried or stored is harboring the virus. Varmints, predators, and domestic animals can access a carcass and carry the virus away. Immediate thermal rendering at high temperature is a sure solution. Firelake incinerators have been tested in the US and Canada, by Universities, and in cooperation with many US States showing consistent proven results. Models range from small to large capacity and offer secondary burn chambers and many control options. Contact Firelake to see what product best meets your disposal concerns.