Firelake designed and built a group of Model P16 contraband destroying incinerators for a Western US state’s drug enforcement department. As you can see in the pictures, these heavily constructed thermal lined assemblies will be field assembled and operating within hours of arrival. Meeting the state regulatory needs were accomplished with standard Firelake Manufacturing designs and controls. Operation is simple. Load, and the incinerator burn is started with a press of a button. The incineration process ends automatically and stops the burners. The burner flame is monitored and controlled. Heat rises and surrounds the waste materials to be incinerated. Ash removal is done by side access door or from above. The P16 has high temperature rated cast lining all the way from burn chamber to stack exit. A stainless steel cap and screen rest at the top of the stack. In the stack section is a Secondary Burn chamber that destroys any unburned materials leaving the lower chamber. Stack data is available for most Firelake models.
Interested in learning more about Contraband Destroying Incinerators? Firelake Manufacturing can answer your questions, help you locate a local dealer, and get you started. Call us today at 800-820-3391or contact us here.