What is the difference? Which one meets your need? The meanings are about the same. Often culture or the situation dictates that one term may be more accepted or recognized than the other terms. Incinerators are often thought of as devices that destroy waste materials and convert them into a disposable ash. Cremators are often thought of as devices that reduce materials into an ash that is returned to the owner. A thermal oxidizer is simply a process that using heat or flame imparts a change on what it contacts. You get the idea, the functional differences are slight to none. The perception may be the greater difference. The word “Incinerator” may have a harsher appearance than a “Cremator”. “Thermal Oxidizer” may sound like an industrial machine or process. The important information is knowing what material you have, how much volume or mass will be incinerated per given time frame, and are there local codes affecting the process. The answers are easy if you contact Firelake, we talk to people daily about their needs. Firelake has a wide variety of equipment with many options to meet the toughest demands. The people at Firelake have been in the business for 30 years and designed Shenandoah and Firelake equipment as well as other brands that show up across the world. Brown, black, charcoal in color and other shades. Combine that with Firelake design counter balanced hinged doors, flanged assembly points, stainless stacks and spark arrestor, internal cast lining, and square appearance are visuals that say its a Firelake. If it looks like a Firelake design it probably is. Contact Firelake, go direct to the design and fabrication source.